Tuesday, 10 August 2010


One minute i am oner there, then next i am here...
I seem to be dreaming inside daydreams at the moment... waking up is a mere continuation into the next day/night..... and i bloody love it.
Life is cruel sometimes but if you smile it can travel the world.... i like that idea...
maybe we don't need to physically travel to go far... Mr Buddha doesn't really move much does he but i can guarantee he does his fair share of astro-plaining..
What if my music were to travel the world... it would be weird to arrive in places after it, being greeted by it in a strange south american supermarket or a battered old taxi on the way from the airport in south africa....
Man that would be cool...
i think i am going to do that.
so i am sending my music to everyone in the world over and over again until one day it rings me up and says "Will.... i am all over Australia, they are playing me all of a sudden... quick... come here now" - i'd be on the next plain in a flash...
see what i mean? Dreams in daydreams...
Thats a good album title.... i said it first no pinching.....
we are looking for a lost soul who plays bass guitar...... someone who wants to uproot all they are doing and hop onto the WATP good ship of monkey business... pronto...
you have to walk, talk and act in time with the trees and all that shit.. and most importantly you have to be able to play bass rather fucking well as you would become essentially the riddim in my band... get in touch if you think think this person is you... Oh and you have to LOVE reggae music..... bottom line.... like we do..

Life rocks...
Nice people take drugs... not criminals
Open your minds
Dont be told how you feel...
SMILE and let it carve your path in style..


Will x