Saturday, 25 December 2010

All is calm, all is Marley!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Today is the big day ... So I'm told. Judging by the assortment of fish food and champagne I was greeted with at breakfast I would hope so ... Or I forgot someones birthday again!! Ah the first bitter sip!! ... It's going to be a long day.

Despite not quite being as hyperactive as I used to be it seems you can never help but get up on the right side of bed on Christmas day. Singing-in-the-rain stylee!! A day of tradition, family, copping it on the sofa early in the game after Christmas dinner, ripping paper, cracking crackers but weirdly enough there is nothing that seems to come around year after year quite as much as my itching desire to listen to bob Marley all day!! Is it just me?? Maybe it's all the positivity in the air but every year I go above and beyond my usually daily enjoyment of the man. A skanking Christmas ... I've gotta say it beats all that stiff Carol singing. Love it as i do. Fingers crossed that they'll bust out a little acapella arrangement of 'could you be loved' at Winchester today - Wishful thinking perhaps.

Being at home is such a strange comfort these days, seems I'm just too used to living with the boys. Always takes a bit of adjusting - especially with my grandad staying over. On my best behaviour I'll have you know - I've even taken the opportunity to stop smoking for a few days. It's been a piece of cake funnily enough. I don't have a single craving - maybe I'm just one of those lucky'uns. However, I've been having these really intense nightmares that have been waking me up every few hours. Can't really account for them as I haven't had bad dreams in donkeys years?? Oh well at least I have first hand experience of the nightmare before Christmas. Next time someone asks if I've seen it (which I haven't) my reply will be ... "seen it? I AM the nightmare before Christmas".

Anyhow I should definitely be frattonising with my extended family right about now so I will bid you adieu and wish everyone the very best of days. Fie those of you not in the Christmas mood yet ... Aunts, uncles and the such askin the same old same old well warm your Christmas cockles and check out the people's Carol on our myspaz ... You know the score - all that stuff before it /willandthepeople ... If you have any videos of you fuelling the Christmas spirit don't hesitate to post them to us.

Joyeux Noel motherhubbards


All is calm, all is Marley!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Today is the big day ... So I'm told. Judging by the assortment of fish food and champagne I was greeted with at breakfast I would hope so ... Or I forgot someones birthday again!! Ah the first bitter sip!! ... It's going to be a long day.

Despite not quite being as hyperactive as I used to be it seems you can never help but get up on the right side of bed on Christmas day. Singing-in-the-rain stylee!! A day of tradition, family, copping it on the sofa early in the game after Christmas dinner, ripping paper, cracking crackers but weirdly enough there is nothing that seems to come around year after year quite as much as my itching desire to listen to bob Marley all day!! Is it just me?? Maybe it's all the positivity in the air but every year I go above and beyond my usually daily enjoyment of the man. A skanking Christmas ... I've gotta say it beats all that stiff Carol singing. Love it as i do. Fingers crossed that they'll bust out a little acapella arrangement of 'could you be loved' at Winchester today - Wishful thinking perhaps.

Being at home is such a strange comfort these days, seems I'm just too used to living with the boys. Always takes a bit of adjusting - especially with my grandad staying over. On my best behaviour I'll have you know - I've even taken the opportunity to stop smoking for a few days. It's been a piece of cake funnily enough. I don't have a single craving - maybe I'm just one of those lucky'uns. However, I've been having these really intense nightmares that have been waking me up every few hours. Can't really account for them as I haven't had bad dreams in donkeys years?? Oh well at least I have first hand experience of the nightmare before Christmas. Next time someone asks if I've seen it (which I haven't) my reply will be ... "seen it? I AM the nightmare before Christmas".

Anyhow I should definitely be frattonising with my extended family right about now so I will bid you adieu and wish everyone the very best of days. Fie those of you not in the Christmas mood yet ... Aunts, uncles and the such askin the same old same old well warm your Christmas cockles and check out the people's Carol on our myspaz ... You know the score - all that stuff before it /willandthepeople ... If you have any videos of you fuelling the Christmas spirit don't hesitate to post them to us.

Joyeux Noel motherhubbards


Saturday, 18 December 2010


Ho ho ho merry christmasers and welcome to my blogspot .... form this day forth I vow to write here as often as not about everything and nothing, something and someone .... you and me ... us.

I am fresh-faced to the blogging community although have always loved reading other people's, especially ones concerning music. I like the idea of having a space to .... well potificate. It kinda beats keeping a diary to. If anyone out there has every kept a diary that they have written in every day for at least a year .... Maximum Respect ... surely it's impossible unless your from The Year of Our Lord 1812 and your name is Henry Demont Redford, 18th in line for the throne of the Kingdom. Anyhow, regardless of its content hopefully you will buy into my vibe and enjoy reading it. Or hate reading it and tell me . I find people's over-inflated online egos very interesting - sometimes borderline hilarious!!

For those of you I am meeting for the first time .... I am in a band called 'Will And The People' whom I love very much. We live in England but we are local's of everywhere; nomadic at the core. We hope everyday of the summer never ends and everyday in the winter that we suddenly make it big in the Caribbean. Like most other artists we don't like to pigeon-hole ourselves but our favourite way of describing our sound is "Heavy-Chilled" - to be honest if your reading this you must have an internet connection so do me a favour and have a quick listen by pressing here ... BUT COME BACK AFTERWARDS!!!

Right, now thats out the way.

Currently I am sat huddled by our fireplace with a big bag of coal keeping warm dressed in Santa's coat - we're old friends - and making Harman's keyboard black with soot from my hands. Today is also the day which I'm sure all you Brits will remember as the-really-snowy-day-we-had-just-before-christmas .... yes yes lots of snow. Fallen individual beauty. We we're talking about that last night - about how no two snowflakes we're the same, an interesting thought but then I was thinking there may have been two of the same but there is generally so much snowfall that two snowflakes the same had just never been found. So - with this in mind I have a hefty reward for anyone who can get be a picture of two identical snowflakes. This is a matter of science people .... think how much you could mix it up if you found something like that!

Other than just a space for excess cognition I am going to be posting about my favourite music, books, films, art or anything that strikes me as inspiring or inspired.

First of all I am dying to tell you about Bedouin Soundclash's new track featuring Coeur de Pirate called 'Brutal Hearts'. As if they weren't already one of the best bands from the last 5 years they have just pulled it out of the bag and along with new drummer, Sekou Lumumba, delivered a matured and forward-thinking take on their original sound. Eon's bass work ties in the band's original sound and Jay and CDeP's voices are a match-made in heaven with their beautiful, unique and rich vocal tones. Sonically the piece is beautiful and deep. The music carries alot of air - by that I mean the parts are sparse and well chosen. Basically ... well in!! Go and have a listen ... let me know what YOU think.

OK ... now I smell bacon .... yummy ... a vegetarians nightmare they say ... i'm not a vegetarian though. Anyhow, breakfast time at WATP HQ ... at half three in the afternoon ... I hate early breakfast. BUT just before I go you have to check out this video cause ... well ... its classic. And so is the music to it.

Keep it light and bye for now. Deck the halls with bells of holly - fa la la la la la la la la seriously.

KEO :)



Ho ho ho merry christmasers and welcome to my blogspot .... form this day forth I vow to write here as often as not about everything and nothing, something and someone .... you and me ... us.

I am fresh-faced to the blogging community although have always loved reading other people's, especially ones concerning music. I like the idea of having a space to .... well potificate. It kinda beats keeping a diary to. If anyone out there has every kept a diary that they have written in every day for at least a year .... Maximum Respect ... surely it's impossible unless your from The Year of Our Lord 1812 and your name is Henry Demont Redford, 18th in line for the throne of the Kingdom. Anyhow, regardless of its content hopefully you will buy into my vibe and enjoy reading it. Or hate reading it and tell me . I find people's over-inflated online egos very interesting - sometimes borderline hilarious!!

For those of you I am meeting for the first time .... I am in a band called 'Will And The People' whom I love very much. We live in England but we are local's of everywhere; nomadic at the core. We hope everyday of the summer never ends and everyday in the winter that we suddenly make it big in the Caribbean. Like most other artists we don't like to pigeon-hole ourselves but our favourite way of describing our sound is "Heavy-Chilled" - to be honest if your reading this you must have an internet connection so do me a favour and have a quick listen by pressing here ... BUT COME BACK AFTERWARDS!!!

Right, now thats out the way.

Currently I am sat huddled by our fireplace with a big bag of coal keeping warm dressed in Santa's coat - we're old friends - and making Harman's keyboard black with soot from my hands. Today is also the day which I'm sure all you Brits will remember as the-really-snowy-day-we-had-just-before-christmas .... yes yes lots of snow. Fallen individual beauty. We we're talking about that last night - about how no two snowflakes we're the same, an interesting thought but then I was thinking there may have been two of the same but there is generally so much snowfall that two snowflakes the same had just never been found. So - with this in mind I have a hefty reward for anyone who can get be a picture of two identical snowflakes. This is a matter of science people .... think how much you could mix it up if you found something like that!

Other than just a space for excess cognition I am going to be posting about my favourite music, books, films, art or anything that strikes me as inspiring or inspired.

First of all I am dying to tell you about Bedouin Soundclash's new track featuring Coeur de Pirate called 'Brutal Hearts'. As if they weren't already one of the best bands from the last 5 years they have just pulled it out of the bag and along with new drummer, Sekou Lumumba, delivered a matured and forward-thinking take on their original sound. Eon's bass work ties in the band's original sound and Jay and CDeP's voices are a match-made in heaven with their beautiful, unique and rich vocal tones. Sonically the piece is beautiful and deep. The music carries alot of air - by that I mean the parts are sparse and well chosen. Basically ... well in!! Go and have a listen ... let me know what YOU think.

OK ... now I smell bacon .... yummy ... a vegetarians nightmare they say ... i'm not a vegetarian though. Anyhow, breakfast time at WATP HQ ... at half three in the afternoon ... I hate early breakfast. BUT just before I go you have to check out this video cause ... well ... its classic. And so is the music to it.

Keep it light and bye for now. Deck the halls with bells of holly - fa la la la la la la la la seriously.

KEO :)


Tuesday, 14 December 2010

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! (almost but pretty much come ooooonn!!!!)

Someone did say about my band: "i wonder if they will survive the winter...."
Thats so typically English isn't it!! I mean.... Why would someone lug gear around the country and live such a strange existence only to go... oh.... its too cold we should stop... people are hardcore and this is a true fact... one can perish and fight it far more than the thought amount..

What the hell does that mean? Who knows...

Anyway i have been thinking and.... well it is cold and that therefore means that other places are hot... you know.. yin yang... so... a clever person would try to migrate to say... Australia... or.... i don't know somewhere closer to the equator....

Only rich people can afford to fly to Australia every year... or Musicians.... for Big Day Out... it's a long shot but i think we should go there... fo shooooooooooo!!!!!!

heres a little song i wrote...


Where have all the peaches gone?
Where are all these leeches from?
We're so monetarian,
That's the way we teach our sons.

You've got to pick a pocket or two,
A pocket's never full of food, (just cash)
I never know what the hell i own,
but i can hit the megaphone;

"This time it came as a surprise,
My television died,
i had to go outside,
saw the world....
it's not fine but the weather is sublime!
My history teacher lied,
He just added t my fears..."

Monetarian, blocking out the shiny sun.
Monetarian, paper's king what's done is done...

It all started with a Psychedelic star,
A supernova made us who we are
And i can see those monsters in the sky
stars that we go back to when we die...

Are you falling away?
Too scared to know the answers,
Coz we're running out of plasters
To cover up our wounds..

i have lots of new music to play you all as well...

Merry Christmas!!!!!

love Will x

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Animal hats and Toptwats...

Im in the back of our splitter van upstairs on the top bunk.. it is very dangerous and illegal… But really fun… always the way isn’t it..

I have been making a video about our band… I have been lucky enough to have been given a house… well.. lent a house… to live in with the people while we “nurture our art’ and “hone” everything we do…

I also have a new animal hat… it’s a cheetah… I love animal hats… I predict they will be in the height of fashion within a few months… mainly because some twat from the x factor wears one apparently… but nonetheless …they are cool.. and cheap…

The minute they are available in Toptwats I guarantee they will cost an arm and a leg so what’s his name who owns it can fuel his vivacious eating and sleeping habits.


That sounds bitter

Well I am …. he has not only ruined unconvensional fashion by putting it all under one roof but he is also inanely rich and lots of people are cold and hungry sat outside all his stores..

Pret a manger don’t give sandwiches they are going to throw away to homeless people any more… they just throw them away…. Because they don’t want to be sued by a hungry person who eats an egg sandwich… weird…

We got back from Leeds this morning at about 10 am from a gig last night…. It was a big old show and thank you to everyone who was there…. I love playing in nightclubs and we even threw a cover of “santa baby” in the middle of “yellow’ (one of our songs)…. Everyone was tiptoeing pretending to be Marilyn Monroe…. Banging.

This is a revolution.. I promise you…. Animal hats will be included in all of this… so will music (big time)…. And so will the sparky little thought processes we are all having that are making us think…. “yes… I know that is true!”…. whatever “that” may be…. You are right…. There IS more……

Keep it light.. smile…. Listen…. And look on youtube for our new video’s or at least something that’s worth watching!!!

lots of love xx

Sunday, 21 November 2010

mad dancing, sustainability

So i guess part of what a musician has to do is work out how he/she can keep playing and living.... sustainability.... yes... big word... big consequences...
Anybody who knows my vibe at all will know that there have been a fair few members in this band... and now finally we are at the point of true existence... far from the corrupt scene mother music has been thrust upon and sucked dry by... finally i am living under a roof with the people i make music with... it is a dream come true... we have been pursued by "nobler" creatures with "all the gift of the gab" but no substance to back it up.... I hate that don't you... talkers....
I am laying it down on the line now to say that we will be deciding our own destiny.. and in a world where everybody with a mouth seems to know better than you that is something to be desired...
anybody who is starting a band....
do your own thing and it if is ever going to happen it will happen faster than you could possibly imagine... book your own gigs... make your own CD you are happy with and take it to people yourself.... it will work...

We had a gig in the Water Rats about a week ago....
It was the 16th time i have played there and only this time did it really kick off... it felt like a moment when the crowd were making the room shake more than we were and i always love a good old fashioned stage invasion to end a show... and the girls were dancing like it was 1967.. it was mighty contagious and i was caught up in the moment big time
I saw a documentary and Mick Ralphs from Mott the Hoople (a cracking punk/psych/rock cult band from the 70's) was talking about one of their london gigs.... he said "yea it's cool people in london lose themselves now, it didn't used to be like that"

It made me think...

People in london are shit at losing themselves... no offence guys but you are.... we all are.... it's hard unless you are literally caught up in the moment, lost in the music.....

i love the correspondents... because of that... there is a guy onstage giving it all and a hundred percent more, it is completely addictive to watch and very easy to find yourself getting lost in the crowd and dancing like a nutcase... Why do you think they all look so silly dancing to us now when we watch the old 60's and 80's video's.... (unless it was MJ) because THEY DIDN"T CARE... they were on drugs admittedly but.... i think people should wake up and stop doing cocaine and take a wee bit of acid every now and then instead.... have you ever tried listening to music on acid?? Don't knock it till you have tried it it's no more dangerous than crossing the road.....

anyway.. i just think that people need to lose themselves more... in fact.. let me rephrase that... i can feel them wanting, no, needing to lose themselves more....

well that's our vibe and if you want to buy into it... then you can even go so far as to say you have joined this band....

come and give me a hug for gods sake life is too short!!!

we are going to Europe and doing all the festivals...

Will x

Tuesday, 10 August 2010


One minute i am oner there, then next i am here...
I seem to be dreaming inside daydreams at the moment... waking up is a mere continuation into the next day/night..... and i bloody love it.
Life is cruel sometimes but if you smile it can travel the world.... i like that idea...
maybe we don't need to physically travel to go far... Mr Buddha doesn't really move much does he but i can guarantee he does his fair share of astro-plaining..
What if my music were to travel the world... it would be weird to arrive in places after it, being greeted by it in a strange south american supermarket or a battered old taxi on the way from the airport in south africa....
Man that would be cool...
i think i am going to do that.
so i am sending my music to everyone in the world over and over again until one day it rings me up and says "Will.... i am all over Australia, they are playing me all of a sudden... quick... come here now" - i'd be on the next plain in a flash...
see what i mean? Dreams in daydreams...
Thats a good album title.... i said it first no pinching.....
we are looking for a lost soul who plays bass guitar...... someone who wants to uproot all they are doing and hop onto the WATP good ship of monkey business... pronto...
you have to walk, talk and act in time with the trees and all that shit.. and most importantly you have to be able to play bass rather fucking well as you would become essentially the riddim in my band... get in touch if you think think this person is you... Oh and you have to LOVE reggae music..... bottom line.... like we do..

Life rocks...
Nice people take drugs... not criminals
Open your minds
Dont be told how you feel...
SMILE and let it carve your path in style..


Will x

Friday, 30 July 2010


Hello my fellow 26 blogspotters....
That is how many followers i have..
i want to share something with you...
I have been in a band for 5 years now called Will and the People.. we have just made an album and done some gigs which feel different somehow to the past shenanigans... i guess it's because people seem to be coming to the shows more, and dancing and laughing... but i also think there is just a general "energy" in the air which is probing people to let loose a little and enjoy life more.. whether it be by relaxing or partying or working harder and playing harder.... boom bang bosh... letting things flow a little more, you know?
We played at Secret Garden Party which was probably the most fun we have ever had while doing a gig.. we have recruited a magician called Kasrani, a Breakdancer called Jody, a Barrister called Sam and many more dancers...... I have been telling people to let everyone know they are in a band called Will and the People... so i am letting you know too.. you are in my band... if there is something you can do besides dance or even just stand in the corner and look awkward (anything) then let me know and get in touch we will work it... yea baby.. but dont forget to tell people about your band..

I am thinking about making a video for a song on our album called Eyes with lots of naked people.... which will be fun...


take care... and... if you are about next week we are playing at the purple turtle in Camden on Thursday night... swing down.

I love you..


Mother Nature does Rock.......very very hard.. so listen.

Will x

Wednesday, 30 June 2010


So heres a story for you.....

a few weeks ago i was told that the tent we were playing in at Glastonbury had pulled out of the festival, which meant we had no means of playing at the festival...bummer when you have been booked for months already. However to make it even worse we had a gig in a place called the "rabbit hole" in the festival.... which is a funky psychedelic tent run by some forward thinking music and festival lovers.... unfortunately this tent only books bands who are already at the festival and does not give wristband allocations....
Basically WATP were fucked...
A day before the festival... sat there feeling sorry for ourselves... me and some very cool people (KEO, Rallentando and Westy) decided we were not going to take no for an answer and the biggest and best festival in the world needed our presence... or more-so we needed it's presence... so we got in the car on tuesday and decided to go and break in...

everybody advised us against it...

so we obviously went....

with just a jacket each (please be sunny please be sunny)

no tents (please don't rain please don't rain)

and our guitars.

Upon arrival a lovely fellow heard us jamming outside the superfence (not climbable) and asked if we had tickets... we said no... he walked us in... easy peasy lemon squeasy...


The weather was hot... and we had a gig booked tomorrow (upon turning up at the rabbit hole they let us in and stored our instruments, and gave us a lovely cold beer, thats more like it)

24 hours to our gig.... only one thing to do really... get quite drunk! i think i got too drunk... because at about 6am on friday morning i was stumbling around alone and asked to show my wristband (which i didn't have)... i tried running but was rugby tackled by a big polish man to the floor and thrown outside the gates.... my world had turned upside down very quickly...

i realised my phone had ran out of battery and this was going to be difficult!!! The beers had gone to my head and i fell asleep in a random field on my face...

Bad idea

i woke up 5 hours later with a very red back (should have kept my shirt on) and most importantly... on the wrong side of the fence....

I met a load of interesting characters in the barrow-lands... all trying to devise clever plans of how to get to the promised land where the grass was undoubtedly greener!! Talk of hooks and ropes to climb the fence and bolt in.. we spoke of hiding in suitcases (someone did that and got in).. we spoke of jet packs... the list goes on... but it was VERY hot and i was burning and in need of water and a cuddle. My luck was running out..

then my leg started vibrating and i realised i had Kate's phone in my pocket.. and someone was calling me!!! amazing!!! I picked up... and.... yes.... it ran out of battery!!

The first thing i did was walk and walk to see if i could find a charger....

The funny part of this all is i met people working as stewards and security who knew my band and couldn't believe i had been kicked out... it was rather ironic that i was sat signing autographs and taking pictures with people who had seen us last year... but couldn't get in for love nor money.... anyway in the end i found a charger and managed to arrange a little plan... someone very kind came out and got me in... the feeling was second to none.. literally like arriving in heaven after a long intense questioning at the big golden gates with the man with a white beard.... beautiful...

the gig happened and was cracking.. so many of the hi visibility jackets i had spoken to on the outside and said "6pm at the rabbit hole.. be there or be square!!" were actually there and it was a proper moment... the band was shambolic (in fact 2 new members were just people who i knew in the festival... half my band were not there... but it rocked) we had some fans there, we sold some CDs.. we spent the money on silly things like massive hats and weaved jackets and corn on the cob... it was a massive success..

So i guess i feel now like we achieved something... we said no to not having tickets and just WENT.... if someone says no and you want something badly.. just go and get it!! This year at Glastonbury was piping hot and literally how i dreamed it to be when i first imagined the biggest festival in the world with all of the best music from around the globe... It was my heaven and i think it is the best thing mankind has ever come up with...

Man that is the 60's... it really is.... who was at glastonbury this year??? you will know what i mean.... comment on this if you were and tell me your experience was shared with mine!!???

I am going every year... because id be a fool to miss out... I hadn't ever been to a festival until last year.... and i caught up 20 years in 4 days this year.. my legs are jelly and my face is brown... i am ready to take on the world!!


Oh and Stevie Wonder was MAGICALLY romantic...

I love you


Tuesday, 22 June 2010

stories...and eventually an album...

So…. I guess I always thought… why don’t I have a story? Maybe I do and I don’t know it… or maybe taking it all with a pinch of salt is just part of growing up.

The truth is I still don’t feel, compared to the people and cultures that inspire me, that I have what I would consider to be an interesting story… but what I do have is an endless list of people I have met and instantly become lost with in the world of music, whether it be fellow musicians/friends, other bands, producers or managers… record industry people… or maybe just people from a far away land who have nothing in common with me but everything to teach and learn.

The truth is I love meeting people, hence the name of my band. I dive in and out of other people’s worlds and feel I learn something every time. The musicians I meet carry me around. We play and travel together… it’s like we are on a little cloud which will float anywhere at any speed we want and it fucking rocks my little world. This is such a perfect situation for me, and that’s why I would like to keep doing this for the rest of my life. And some other stuff like it.

The other true fact I have realized is that people who love music just because they get lost in it, or it makes the hairs stand up on the back of their necks, or because it makes them dance for hours on end, even just a minute at a time it doesn’t matter because it is basically magic. It changes everything. People like that make me want to smile, have fun and live. The problem is that lots of people see music for the business that it is, and… well they want to make money… which is obvious and to be honest very understandable… however it is done at the mercy of the real artists, and it has created a very fake world filled with sharks and cretins who know nothing about the music industry as it is in it’s current state… they have too much money to learn about it too…

So…. That is how I see things at the moment. Be it right or wrong.

But that is so totally overshadowed by the people who love music and laugh with it… so thank you to those people!! From the bottom of my heart!

Oh also you can get my album now from

Please order one I will send it to you... it’s like modern day car boot selling… BUT… and there is always a but… Bradley Knowell the deceased singer of an amazing band called “Sublime” sold 60 000 copies of his album from the boot of his car… music works in wonderful ways… please do tell your friends!



Monday, 7 June 2010

Fucking Great Music

Well a fan has just informed me of a singer called selah sue....
Well this is why i love music... such a raw young talent... and she inspires me to come out to europe...
No offence England, and this is not a complete generalisation because some of us really do get it......
but out in europe they don't associate reggae/ska music with "sitting sown and smokin a spliff mun"
They associate it with Dancing, Dancehall, Ragga, And dubstep/ club culture... which means they associate it with partying... which means they REALLY appreciate the skankers.. which means twice as many people travel miles to see reggae influenced acts play all over Europe, which means its a part of culture (i will add it is meant to be/ supposedly is a HUGE part of British culture - but we are more interested in reliving the 80's at the moment... only with plant food and superheroes.... instead of cocaine and Bowie) which means that WATP are really being idiots not playing out in Europe....

So i just wanted to let you all know we are working arranging a tour asap... the album will be available very soon and we will be playing shows in Europe because... well we would just be idiots not to!!!


My favourite song in the world is "Chances are" by Bob Marley.....

It has this sense of longing that matches my head... longing to play to all the people who send me messages saying they appreciate my music... and a longing to travel the world and watch people sing back to me with the same look on their face as me... those moments when we are all in each others heads.. they are the best moments in the world...

Chances are what keeps me going...
I may have the chance to play to you one day again....
I may have the chance to speak reality.
I may have the chance to love..
I may have the chance to die a happy man...
i amy have the chance to build my own house..
I may have the chance to write a song which changes the mood..
I may have a chance to have lots of children and watch them grow...
Who the fuck knows...

But i am going to CREATE a chance to come out to Europe and play... because thats right at the front of my head at the moment..
i really do love you....

Will x

Monday, 31 May 2010

Ltd edition release of debut album “Morning Sun”

People of the future….

So my band of fellow agitators and me have been hard at work in the studio, as you may or may not know, for the past couple of months…. We have produced an album I am incredibly proud of, and I feel there is something there for everyone….

I ask myself: “What is Will and the People”…. And there is only one answer now… we are a group of likeminded musicians, artists and engineers who all share at least on thing in common… in this case it’s music….

I wouldn’t want you to think however that this is the only thing we share… We also share toast for example… and shoes (anyone who’s a size 10 can join in)…. and a love for Bob Marley…… amongst others…

We all love to travel, and since we are young… we enjoy a party too… So we are thinking… we want to bring our party to you as soon as humanly possible..

Back in the day, Johnny popular would have pre ordered the new Beatles album weeks before it was released and upon arrival invited all his friends to come and listen to it in the top room of the house away from the old people.. you would have all listened to it from beginning to end.. properly.. some would have been bored after a few songs.. but still would have listened to it because everyone else was…. Things haven’t really changed have they!!?

So when/ if you get a copy of our new record “Morning Sun”… you can expect a listening experience… I have always said my music needs to be listened to in that way… because… well i get bored if I have to write every song the same and if you don’t listen to them together… there are many different flavours on the record and I think they massively compliment each other… the sweets to the sours if you will.

So what we are doing is making 2000 limited edition copies of the record, which we will be selling at live shows… These will be special… because they are PHYSICAL and you can listen to the CD in your car.. or in your kitchen.. or your bedroom..

I don’t doubt they will make their way onto ipods… that would be great… but this album will be released properly later this year and it will be available everywhere..

I just want some of you hard core fans to get copies soon since.. well its been a while hasn’t it...

Please don’t ask me to send you one though… if you really want it you will come to a gig (we have plenty) and we will be selling them there… I can draw a picture on it too if you like… that would be fun J

I ate 12 oysters yesterday…


didn’t used to like them but LOVE them now… Bit of shallot vinegar, bit of Tabasco, bang.. done…

Sorry I have drifted…

Basically WATP is upping the game now… you should come to a gig and see us… we have some new members… it feels right… that’s all I have to go on… we will all be living together 24/7 playing and making music… we want to do some art exhibitions too, made up of photography and random art… I can’t draw but really want to be a painter… which is a strange combination… don’t know if it works of not but its pleasurable in my head… (haven’t started yet!)

There will also be a version of the album we will release later this year, mayb early next... called “midnight sun”

This will be club orientated and will have dubsteb/ electro/ drum and bass / minimal / electro versions of all of the songs on “morning sun”

Being completely honest our dream is virtually impossible without you all… we need you more than my digital words can tell you.

Yea baby yea..

Bring it on.

Love, magic

Will xxx

Thursday, 27 May 2010

24 years old

I am feeling free.... I have a band you see, and a love for making music...
Its kinda cool because the state of the music industry at the moment is in such a place that bands who love to tour have the upper hand.....
And i have decided that buying a wagon me and my homeslices can travel around in and sleep in while we play is the best idea....
And the best thing about that is is it's a dream come true; travelling around the world playing music.. I am doing this blog because this is the best means i have of reaching people to tell them... well... if you like music and like seeing bands play.. and stuff... you should check out our music at
maybe come and see a live show sometime all of our timings and movements are up there...
We are aiming to come back to europe before christmas for more crazy loco and we will be selling our debut album everywhere we go... Which will also be available on itunes this summer..
oh the summer... how i love the summer...
I really think if you are searching for some kind of soundtrack for the sun over the next three or four months and haven't found one still.... my album... titled "Morning Sun" (if you know me - i know..... it has changed.... again.... but lets be honest this ones better!!!?)


so sue me

anyway i love you very much if you have read this... do me a favour tell your friend who lets you eat nutella from their pot with your fingers: "Check out this cool new band Will and the People.... they are ....." I'll let you do the rest!!!

Big love in a unifying manner

and lots of it..

Well done mankind for lots of things....

lets concentrate on the positive... which I will overshadowed by our gloomy cousin: "The negative" most of the time nowadays... we should try to change that really shouldn't we...

Whatever you do just do if for the right reasons, you know what they are.


Will Rendle